My Nail Tech Journey

Hi there!

I am a third year marketing student at the University of Strathclyde and this year's class requires me to create a blog and analyse my reach as well as use digital marketing techniques in order to gain a bigger audience. I thought it would be a good idea for me to write about my journey as an aspiring nail tech as it is something I have focused most of my energy on since the beginning of this year. I am very passionate about this subject so I hope this comes across in my blog posts- as well as I hope to give you all some nail inspo xx

If you haven't already seen my journey aaalll over my social media (u gotta do what u gotta do), I'll talk you through it. I started doing nails in February of this year in my bedroom- set myself up a lil desk and bought all the necessities and bullied all my friends into becoming guinea pigs for me to learn. Luckily most of them were up for it and I managed to practise quite a bit before taking on my first clients- which was very nerve-wracking. I am self-taught so most of my time from the beginning of this year was spent watching youtube tutorials, reading articles, asking other nail techs about their favourite products etc etc. I am planning to also do a blog post about my favourite youtube channels etc so stay tuned xoxo

Below you can see my second set of acrylics nails (I will not be showing you my first- it was awful), looking at it now I can obviously see flaws and areas for improvement but back then I was ecstatic that they actually came out looking relatively nice. My friend was very impressed with them although she was definitely just being nice lol.

This was my very first set ever on myself- took me about 4 hours and a lot of frustration but here we are. 
Another practice set on one of my friends- just started experimenting with 'nail art' if you can even call it that at this stage. 

The above pictures are sets on paying clients which they were really happy with (or so I was told lol), at this point I started gaining more confidence and it became something I was really excited about and kept looking forward to my next client. I was lucky enough that my clientele kept growing and I got more and more experience each time, I kept expanding my product range meaning I could follow trends and give my clients exactly what they wanted. I have spent a lot of time teaching myself new techniques and trying to improve each time. I am now based in a salon which is a huge achievement for me given I started off in my bedroom with my wee Amazon acrylics kit (which was awful btw-do not recommend) but you live and you learn and if you work hard it pays off (hopefully).

Hope you enjoyed my first blog post and I am sure you're all now waiting for the next one obviously. In my next post I will talk you through the best brands - how I started my kit and what I wish I knew back then, and the best youtube channels if you're interested in nails- or even if you're not they're so relaxing to watch!!

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Thank you!

Marta XOXO
